What is mental Disability

Sometimes mental disabilities can be more subtle or harder to diagnose, but they can often be more handicapping for those who suffer from them. Conditions like depression are one of the most common disabilities. A condition like depression can prevent suffers from getting out of bed in the morning and holding a full time job. The Disability Tax Credit is specifically offered to aid in situations such as these.

Citizens of Canada can either be born with a mental disability or develop one later in life through natural causes or a tragic accident. No matter what the cause is or the symptoms you are experiencing as long as the condition qualifies as a disability, as defined by the Canadian Government, we can help you!


Physical disabilities are apparent to all and can present unique problems to those who suffer from them. This includes the possibility of people or employers stigmatizing those that suffer from these disabilities possibly leading to hardships in finding or keeping employment. Furthermore, those with physical disabilities may not be able to perform the same tasks as others potentially leading to lower paying employment opportunities.

Citizens of Canada can either be born with a physical disability or develop one later in life through natural causes or a tragic accident. No matter what the cause is or the symptoms you are experiencing as long as the condition restricts your ability to perform everyday function, in some capacity.

  • Psychological effects such as depression, anxiety, and anger
  • Health related issues resulting from chronic stress, lack of sleep and/or physical exercise
  • Personal financial problems
  • Negative career consequences
  • Drug/alcohol abuse
  • Elderly abuse

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